Food Safety Focus | A Place for Everything

Hello All Team Members!

I hope this message finds all of you and your families safe and well,

Today I want to discuss with you something very important; a place for everything and everything in its place. Or simply put, everything in the warehouse has a place where it belongs and everything should be there, in its place.

This includes pieces of wood or debris we find on the floor. As we said before, trash belongs in the trash can and not on top of products in the aisle. Please let your team members know this during your opening meetings. I understand we need to get that stuff out of the aisles so you’re not running it over, however trash does not belong on top of the pallets in storage. This can turn into a foreign matter issue and may even cause a recall on the product. Trash should go in the trash cans, not on top of the nearest pallet.
How many of us have heard the simple words, “Keep arms and legs inside at all times” while growing up, just about every time we rode a roller coaster or got on anything that moved at the fair? It’s an important rule and also applies when driving forklifts or using pallet jacks anywhere in the warehouse. Arms and legs belong inside the machine not outside and should never be placed outside the confines of the lift for any reason while the lift is moving. That includes getting on and off the pallet jack or forklift and standing properly. Yes, those feet are supposed to be inside the confines of the deck you stand on and not over hanging anywhere while operating the pallet jack.

There is no doubt we are familiar with the need to use pallet jacks and forklifts to assist us in moving food products through the supply chain. Sometimes this familiarity can cause us to forget these simple rules that help us to arrive home safe and healthy. While keeping the food our families eat safe is of the utmost importance, keeping our team members safe while handling that food is very important as well.

As always, thank you for providing safe food for our families, each and every Day!

Justin Straka – Food Safety Manager

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Author: Trish Metts