Food Safety Focus | Accurate Record Keeping

Food Safety Focus

Hello All! 

I hope this message finds all of you and your families safe and well.

This food safety focus will be about proving that we are doing what we say we are doing.  

Oh yeah?  Prove it!  These words have been said by just about all of us at some time in our lives, from childhood to adulthood and the weight of these words still echoes in the food business today.  

We have to prove we are doing what we say we are doing, in a way that others can see and understand.  Simply put, this means keeping accurate records.  From temperature taking to sanitation activities and everything in the warehouse that requires “doing” there is a right way to do it and accurate record keeping proves we are doing it that way.  If we have no records or cannot find them, then how do we prove to anyone, like a government agent, auditor or customer that we have done right, or at least tried to, in every situation?  Accurate record keeping is vital.  The list of records to be kept can seem daunting, I agree, however this is why it’s so important to keep up with these records as we go instead of letting them fall behind.

Thanks for all you do every Day!


Food Safety Manager

See Past Articles:

Author: Trish Metts