Food Safety Focus | No Added Flavor Needed

Hello All Team Members!

I hope this message finds all of you and your families safe and well,

Today I want to discuss with you something very important, that should be easy to remember; a piece of cake or easy as pie, so to speak.  Speaking of cake and pie, let’s use that to illustrate this point.

Everyone likes cake or pie, right?  I mean we all have our favorites, made just the way we like it, with the perfect frosting or topping to match… yum!  Some people like whipped cream or ice cream to top their pie or maybe it’s that cream cheese frosting or fresh fruit with their cake that hits the spot.

Now imagine that perfect slice with some added wood chips or pallet debris for some extra flavoring… wait what!?

Think about that when talking to your team members about putting pallet debris like boards, nails and wood chips on top of pallets of products in storage.  Those cases aren’t air tight and some cases of are very flimsy to say the least.  Foreign material can easily make its way through the top of the case and into products if we aren’t careful.

Also think about this when talking to team members about placing products on the floor.  How many times do we see ice cream pints or 3 gallons with the lids that come off easily, rolling onto the floor and left there in the pick line?  I know it doesn’t happen at any of our facilities, but it’s a good thing to remind people, nonetheless…

All products should be off the ground and we should not be placing debris from the floor on top of pallets to get it out of the aisles.  I understand we don’t want to run that stuff over, but the best place for trash is in the garbage cans and not on top of products in storage.

As always, thank you for doing all you can to provide safe food that is free from dirt and debris for our families, each and every Day!

Justin Straka – Food Safety Manager

Author: Trish Metts